On 13 April from 15.00-17.00 East African Time, Charter Project Africa will host the online panel event ‘Advancing the pan-African governance agenda: Lessons from fifteen years of the Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance’ to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the ACDEG & the 10th anniversary of its entry into force.

It is now fifteen years since the African countries united at the African Union adopted an overarching framework to improve governance across the continent, with the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG). Since then, 35 countries out of 55 have ratified the Charter, and, in February 2022, Kenya was the latest country to join the club by ratifying the Charter.

The Charter provides a roadmap for states to improve governance and democratic institutions and ensure democratic and fair elections. Thanks to this outstanding document, civil society, member states as peers and international actors now have an instrument to hold member states accountable for their obligations. 


However, the path towards democratisation has not been an easy one over the last 15 years. Military coups, unconstitutional changes of government, highly disputed electoral outcomes and contested manipulations to constitutions have hindered this process over the last decade.

So is the ACDEG failing? Or rather*: what can realistically be expected from – and done with – this framework in order to promote improved governance on the continent in adverse conditions? Beyond governments themselves, what role should continental and regional institutions, as well as civil society play in the implementation of ACDEG?*

During this panel discussion, we will celebrate the ACDEG 15th anniversary with a moment of reflection. Guided by Andrew Songa, our Civil Society Secretariat Coordinator for the Charter Project Africa, a panel of experienced speakers will take us through the progress so far and the challenges encountered, as well as the opportunities ahead. 

Confirmed speakers so far include:

– Amb. Salah Hammad, AGA Secretariat

– Adv. Batlokoa Makong, African Peer Review Mechanism

– Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai, Economic, Social and Cultural Council

– Lidet Tadesse, European Centre for Development Policy Management

To participate in the discussion, kindly register to receive the meeting link details. The panel discussion will be delivered through Webex.

Related reading A guide to the African Charter of Democracy, Elections and Governance


Funded by European Union

This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Charter Project Africa and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.